Friday 20 April 2012

Howl's Moving Castle - The Best Saved For Last?

Not the usual DVD cover image, but I think this gives a better look at the film

The English Dubbed Trailer


I actually wanted to do this Ghibli film as my very first blog on the site as i thought i'd have so much to say about it (it's EASILY in my top 3 all time favorite films!). But then it occurred to me that it might be a better idea saving it till last, ending on a high note while also raising awareness of all the other great films Studio Ghibli have released in the mean time. But the time has come for me to review one of my favorite and most loved Ghibli films Howl's Moving Castle!

I know I've already touched on the voice actors in this film, but i thought i would put in the full list of voice actors for the main characters just to give you an idea of the big names in this one film.


  • Young Sophie                        Emily Mortimer
  • "Grandma Sophie"                 Jean Simmons
  • Howl                                       Christian Bale
  • The Witch of the Waste         Lauren Bacall
  • Calcifer                                   Billy Crystal 
  • Markl                                      Josh Hutcherson 
  • Madame Suliman                   Blythe Danner
  • Lettie                                       Jena Malone
  • Honey                                      Mari Devon
  • Prince Justin/Turnip Head   Crispin Freeman
  • The Minister of Defense        Mark Silverman
  • Heen the dog                          Daijirō Harada
  • Madge                                     Liliana Mumy 
  • The King                                 Mark Silverman

The film received a generally positive reception (even getting a 93% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes) although some critics have come out stating they thought it was one of Miyazaki's "weaker" movies. I genuinely don't know where they get that idea from as i think the film is fresh, interesting and has a constant "Magical" quality to it.

 I've never found myself watching a film like this and suddenly thought "wait, he can fly? that was never explained" or "what?, she can talk to animals now?" and had not realized i never questioned the oddities until some friends watched some ghibli films and picked holes in them. 

So left feeling like a child who's just had their favorite cuddly toy judged and poked at I got to thinking why I never question the weirder points of these films, and eventually came to a conclusion. I'll bet no one ever watched the little mermaid and their first though was "wait, the crab and the flounder fish can talk? how does that work??" or watched Toy Story and complained that the reason the toys came to life in the first place is never explained.

 It's because they're Disney films and you know what to expect from them and accept it as fantasy without questioning it, and i suppose Ghibli films are the same. 

I just find myself not minding these things aren't explained, of COURSE howl can turn into a giant bird thing, aye its a big bouncing scarecrow with a turnip for a head, why not? and a talking fire demon that controls all the different portals the magical back door of the castle leads to while also controlling where all the hot water in the house is sent and can also move a giant castle made up of hundreds of different thrown together bits of house, pipes and random doohickeys? bloody brilliant!!  

An Engineering Nightmare, Howl's Castle In All It's Glory

Calcifer The Fire Demon, One Of My Favorite Characters (Voiced By Billy Crystal!) 

The Review
All this gushing about the film so far and i haven't even talked about the plot or the characters again? oh my days :D

The movie follows the story of an 18 year old responsible-yet-plain hat maker girl named "Sophie" one day when on her way to visit her sister at the bakery where she works, Sophie has an encounter with a mysterious wizard. Shortly after meeting him they are both chased by strange creatures that look like they're made out of ink but the wizard saves Sophie and drops her off at the bakery.

Later that night on returning to her hat shop Sophie is visited by The Witch Of The Waste who (being jealous of her being with Howl) puts a curse on her turning her into a 90 year old woman. Just before disappearing the witch of the waste tells Sophie she wont be able to tell anyone about the curse. 

18 Year old Sophie

90 Year Old Cursed Sophie (Known as "Grandma Sophie" in the credits)

Deciding that she can't stay in her mothers house in her current state Sophie sneaks out during the night without telling anyone whats going on as she seeks a cure. While walking through the hills she chances upon Howl's magical moving castle and runs after it climbing in a back door.

This is where Sophie meets Calcifer the fire demon who powers the castle, he recognizes that she is cursed and offers to break it in return for her helping to break the spell he is under, binding him to the house. When howl appears Sophie announces that she has been hired by Calcifer as the new cleaning lady. As the story goes on it follows Sophie in her travels in the castle and the growing love she has for Howl, while she searches for a cure to her curse Sophie also trys helping Howl with his troubles.


As it's probably already very obvious to you i love this film, i could watch it over and over and not get bored. It's my all time favorite Ghibli film and a high scorer in my Top 3 Movies Of All Time. i think the story line is fantastic (i didn't get even half the plot in this review), the characters are all wonderfully unique, the animation is stunning, the music fits well with whats going on and also the way the story is told and how you bond with the main characters. 

Also I LOVE the voice acting in this film (Billy Crystal, Christian Bale and Jean Simmons are awesome!!) but most importantly of all these things i think the film is simply a joy to watch and If you like the sound of the story or anything about this film or any others I've talked about why not give them a watch and see what you think? That would make me one happy blogger!

This is Emmet, Signing Off


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Great article. I am Mark Silverman and I was the voice of the King in the movie, I was the real King and the fake one that Howl pretends to be! I was the only one in that cast that was not a movie star. Oh well, I can live with that. What an honor for me to be involved in this movie.
