Thursday 12 April 2012

A Quick Update

A Quick Update

Many readers of this blog maybe haven't heard of the films I've blogged about in the past couple of posts and found it quite interesting to read about them, possibly even wanting to watch them for themselves if it sounded quite good!. But there must also be readers out there who are sick of hearing me harp on about ghibli films and how great i think they are aha, but just to clarify, i only started off writing about ghibli films because i thought i would have a lot of material to talk about with them as I've seen a lot of their stuff and they have a lot of depth. 

Soon though i'm gonna move on to doing loads of different things with the blog but not sure whether to just edit the design of this one and carry on or create a whole new post to go with the new subject, soon find out though. 

So just a quick update to let everyone know i'm going to be doing 2 more ghibli films (the best i can think of) then moving on to doing anything and everything from other movies, games, random stuff and even some T.V series reviews. so 2 more ghibli blogs then there's gonna be a whole lot more different content on the blog so make sure and check back regularly for the latest stuff :D. the next blog will be:

Spirited Away

*Spirited Away, FULL of crazy awesomeness*

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